Let Them Show Their Faces / Uganda 2014
- In Uganda starting from February 24th 2014, when the anti-gay law had been approved, everything has changed - stays S. , 30 years old from Kampala. - My life has had a meltdown and now I live in constant fear that someone will knock on my door and arrest me, or worse, make me disappear. - This law, in the form in which it had been approved, provides for penalties of up to life imprisonment for everyone who is accused of the “crime of homosexuality“ and up to 7 years for everyone who is accused of aiding and abetting. Crime of aiding that can “condemn” even the lawyers of the accused person or a witness. It makes extremely difficult to defend those who are accused.

Now, it is no longer necessary to take the a person in the sexual act: in the fragrance of full ratification, suspicion of homosexuality is enough to be accused.

After the approval of the law, all the major tabloids in the country such as: Red pepper, Hello and The Sun, spent weeks publishing hundreds of photographs of suspected homosexuals and gay activists under the title of “Hang them.”

Aldo Soligno has already reported the situation of gay community in Uganda, but with this project he asked the Ugandan LGBT activists to pose from behind and up against the light, making what could be an hypothetical negative of the images published as defamatory by the tabloid press in the country.